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55 divisions, 57 ​​teams in 28 countries, 751 specialists and analysts, 40 websites, 65 social pages, 30 projects, 3 Business Consultant teams. Our partners are the largest consulting company globally, and we are the only one in the world totally remotely since its foundation.


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General manager Dr Paolo Magri

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Payment solutions

Our core business is payment systems. We design, plan, schedule and give you the best payment system for your project. Payment solutions, especially if integrated, are complex solutions to research or devise.


Finance services

1999-2021 is a very long experience. Such a long time allows you to tell if an idea or project works. Our work, we are still here and in full evolution. We evolve to grow but above all, to improve ourselves. By improving, we guarantee answers and serious help to our clients.

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Concept, design, development and consultancy. We develop innovative and unique projects in the fields of cryptocurrencies, quantum, metaphysics, decentralized finance, chips and microchips, biotechnology and nanotechnology.

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Our core business is the fintech sector. TDHI is creating our new subDivision to assist customers in this area better. Asap news. click on logo

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Credit card

35 services in the credit, debit, gift and loyalty card sector: fingerprint cards, new projects, cards designed for cryptocurrencies. Design, production and luxury services to make your card unique. We are "the house of cards."


Consulting firm

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